Our clients come to us with a variety of questions about their businesses.


Questions Like:

I’m thinking of starting another business. How should I structure it?

I’m thinking of buying a business. Where do I begin?

I’m thinking of selling my business. What should I know? How do I go about it?

I’m thinking about entering into a contract with a vendor. Does it say what it should? Can you help me negotiate the terms?

I need an easy to use agreement to use with my clients/customers. Can you help us put one together that will minimize the back and forth going forward with our clients?

I’m thinking of taking on a business partner. What do I need to know? How can I do this to minimize the likelihood of future challenges?

I hate my business partner. How can I get him out of the company as painlessly as possible?

I’m having trouble with a client. Can you help me work through the issues?

A bright office lobby
Three lawyers looking at a computer

As a client, when you bring us questions about your businesses, we help you brainstorm and explore the issues related to those questions.

To learn more about our philosophy behind helping our clients, please see our philosophy page.